EUR/TRY price
EURTRY Key Statistics
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Symbol trading specification
Euro and Turkish Lira forex market (EURTRY) is one of the major forex markets for the Eurasian region. Europe and Turkey have an enormous trade surplus, so the two economies remain tied. It's better to understand more about the two currencies and their price elasticity to know the best investment for your case.
What is EURTRY?
The EURTRY is the market that determines the price between the Euro and the Turkish Lira. It happens automatically as the central banks for the two regions make decisions about the overnight interest rates.
The two markets are based in Istanbul and Frankfurt, respectively. There are certain rules and timeframes under which both currencies trade freely and adjust their prices. Investors willing to understand how to trade EURTRY have to keep that timeframe in mind.
How does the EURTRY work?
It works through trading in the forex market on online platforms like SimpleFX. It provides solutions such as a demo account, which enables traders eager to learn how to invest in EURTRY start without risking their real assets.
The European Central Bank requires to have some Turkish Lira in its balance sheet to ensure that the trade for goods and services with Turkey will not get disrupted. There is an online platform where TRY and EUR bids happen all day. However, you need to know the best time to bid for either EUR or TRY to make as informed decision as possible.