Let us introduce you to the money trading world and digital assets. One of the most vital markets are Forex and crypto. Each one provides its very own unique features. If you want to find which might be the right fit, check out our guide below. 


Cryptocurrency has completely redefined the concept of digital interaction with money. Due to the constant development of technology worldwide, cryptocurrencies give multiple brand-new possibilities that wouldn’t be available for fiat currencies. Transferring value across the internet is possible only with the highest standards of security and cryptography. That is possible due to blockchain technology, which provides the integrity and immutability of transactions.

Trade Crypto

People who are into the cryptocurrency market also mention decentralization. What is it exactly? That is one of the most crucial parts of the whole cryptocurrency concept. It removes the intermediaries for each transaction, allowing it to conduct peer-to-peer transactions. There is no need to rely on banks or payment processors. Decentralization gives users and investors much more control over their funds. Fostering financial autonomy is one of the main ideas behind cryptocurrencies. 

Lack of control from governments, banks, and payment processors shows that there are two sides of the same coin. Investors can react much faster to potential rises and plunges. However, the volatility may also be a threat to investors and traders. Almost every crypto has to deal with regulatory uncertainties, investors’ concerns about security, and technological limitations.

What is crypto trading?

Crypto trading involves buying and selling cryptocurrencies. The goal is to capitalize on their price fluctuations. Several strategies make navigating the dynamic market easier, such as day trading, swing trading, and long-term investing. This process demands understanding market trends, technical analysis, and risk management.

The foundation of crypto trading is the management of its volatility. The day-trading strategy involves executing multiple short-term transactions every day. The profit is possible thanks to the minor price movements. Swing traders are looking for intermediate profits, which is enabled by focusing more on the horizon for a few days. Long-term investing involves holding cryptocurrencies for a much extended period, potentially resulting in substantial growth.

Less experienced traders may sometimes think that crypto trading is mainly based on luck. Even though it may help in specific, singular cases, the most crucial thing is a deep comprehension of various patterns, fundamental factors, and technical indicators. All of these above are very likely to influence the prices of cryptos. Investors use multiple platforms and cryptocurrency exchanges to trade digital assets. 

Additionally, traders must stay alert to news and events affecting prices of cryptocurrencies. Macroeconomic factors, technological advancement, and – significant in the crypto market – regulatory changes have a massive impact on your wallet. Pay attention and keep up-to-date. 

Crypto trading: pros and cons

Find out more about the pros and cons of crypto trading, which may be essential for every investor.


Cryptocurrencies are well known for their rapid price movements. Due to that, traders try to seize the opportunity for remarkable profits. It is worth mentioning that the accessibility of potential cryptos is remarkable and provides various investment options.

Unlike most of the assets available on the market, cryptocurrencies can be traded 24/7. It provides flexibility and allows investors to participate regardless of their time zone or daily habits.

Moreover, the investors are willing to become part of one of the world’s most exciting and cutting-edge financial landscapes. Cryptocurrencies are treated as innovative, world-changing ways of paying, trading, and investing.


The potential risk of substantial loss is much higher than in different markets. Rapid crypto price fluctuations within short timeframes force investors to be perfectly prepared.

Sometimes, the factors that may lead to price fluctuations take work to predict. 

Decentralization leaves some uncertainty, and sudden shifts in market conditions are nothing surprising during crypto trading.

There may be some challenges for newcomers who are yet to be aware of the technology and the mechanism of the crypto market itself. That’s why we are providing several articles that may shine a light on cryptocurrencies.

Most popular cryptocurrencies

On the Simple FX platform, you can trade numerous cryptocurrencies. Moreover, we enable the use of them as a deposit method. There are several most recognizable not only for experienced traders but also newcomers and people not interested in that particular area.


The most well-known cryptocurrency which has revolutionized the concept of digital payments. On the crypto market, its limited supply and decentralized nature led to comparing BTC to gold.


The second most important asset in crypto trading. Ethereum is vastly recognizable thanks to the introduction of smart contracts and decentralized applications. ETH enables developers to create a wide range of applications.

Binance Coin

Binance ecosystem is one of the biggest in terms of crypto trading. Its very own coin gives numerous possibilities for investors, including trading fee discounts and participation in token sales.


ADA started with a focus on sustainability and scalability. Additionally, Cardano offers a platform that enables the creation of environmentally friendly financial applications. Thanks to that, ADA is trustworthy for its investors and traders.


LTC, as the name suggests, is strongly connected to Bitcoin. It prioritizes faster transaction confirmation times in addition to improved efficiency. These features easily enable everyday transactions.

Trade Litecoin


Forex is short for foreign exchange. Although some macroeconomic factors influence its performance, it is the world’s largest decentralized financial market. Forex focuses on the trading of currencies from various countries, allowing an exchange of one currency to the other at determined exchange rates.

The Forex market serves as a mechanism for international trade and investment. Several investors can conduct cross-border transactions, including businesses and individuals. Multiple participants contribute to the daily trading volume, including central banks, corporations, financial institutions, governments, and individual traders.

The global nature of the Forex market allows flexibility and accessibility for participants worldwide. Due to that, the market operates 24 hours a day, excluding weekends. Participants in various time zones can trade anytime.

What is forex trading?

Many people are wondering what Forex trading is. It is a foreign exchange trading and involves buying and selling currencies on the global market. The main target for investors is generating a profit from price fluctuations in currency values.

One of the most essential terms in the case of the Forex market is currency pairs. It refers to two currencies where one currency is exchanged for another. The exchange rate is agreed upon and is determined by multiple factors. Forex trading connects multiple institutions into a strongly correlated network affected by macroeconomic events worldwide.

There are many opportunities for potential investors in the Forex market. Some traders focus on short-term speculation opportunities, while others are patient with long-term investment strategies.

You can easily enter into the Forex market on the Simple FX platform. In addition to multiple currency pairs available, we can offer an effective leverage of 1000x and a minimum investment value of $5. 

Forex trading: pros and cons

As with every market, Forex trading offers both pros and cons for their investors, which are highlighted below:


Forex trading offers high liquidity even for traders willing to enter with large amounts, including potential exits. The market accessibility, with its permanent opening around the clock, enables traders worldwide to invest their assets.

The volatility of specific currency pairs is tempting due to its potential rapid price movements. It creates various opportunities for traders.

There are numerous currency pairs available on the Forex market. That’s why traders can explore multiple trading strategies for each instrument and determine which decisions should be made.


For less informed traders, the volatility may become a nail in their coffin – from the financial point of view obviously. Those who need to prepare may be affected by substantial losses. Trading on margin requires reasonable risk management.

Moreover, the decentralized nature of the market sometimes leads to risks related to market manipulation or regulation. 

Forex trading requires not only keeping up-to-date information but also understanding economic indicators. Some geopolitical events considerably influence the price of certain currencies. Additionally, traders have to be familiar with technical analysis. 

Most popular Forex pairs

There are various currency pairs, with some of the most significant for the Forex market listed below:


The most traded pair globally, EUR/USD, plays a significant role in international trade and finance. It offers liquidity and stability for traders seeking safe, low-risk investments.


Known as a barometer for global economic trends, USD/JPY usually reflects market sentiment. This pair combines the world’s reserve currency and safe-haven Japanese yen.


Very popular pair, even though its rate may sometimes be volatile. The British Pound is still affected by Brexit-related developments, which leads to potential fluctuations in GBP/USD rate.



Safe-haven combination. USD/CHF noticeable movement is usually a response to global economic uncertainty.


Highly influenced by commodity prices and Australian economic conditions. Its sensitivity to global trade dynamics lures risk-takers to it.


Another Forex currency pair that is strongly related to commodity prices. Canada relies on oil exports, and its rate strongly influences the USD/CAD movement.

Forex vs. crypto: Key differences

Forex and crypto are strongly interconnected assets of global economics. However, several differences make each asset one-of-a-kind.

Market maturity

Forex is a well-known market with solid foundations regulated by financial authorities. It’s almost impossible to compare it to a prosperous yet young and not firmly established crypto market.

Volatility and risk of Forex and crypto markets

Both markets exhibit volatility. However, due to very few regulations, cryptocurrencies are subject to massive price fluctuations. Depending on the point of view, these may be a blessing or disguise.

Liquidity and trading volume

Forex’s size and institutional participation result in unparalleled liquidity. When it comes to cryptocurrencies, it depends on the currency itself. Some of them, like Bitcoin or Ethereum, are known for their high trading volumes, while others face liquidity challenges.

Market sentiment

Factors causing substantial changes in both assets’ rates are different. The Forex market is affected by economic indicators, central bank decisions, and geopolitical events. On the other hand, crypto market investors need to pay attention to technological developments, market sentiment, and adoption news.


Forex trading follows market hours established and influenced by global financial centers. However, cryptocurrencies are available to trade 24/7 all over the world.

Which one to choose: Forex or crypto?

To choose between Forex and crypto, you must consider various aspects, such as risk tolerance, investment objectives, and your previous experience. As you can see, there are several differences between Forex and crypto. Each of these markets can offer both advantages and disadvantages. 

A pivotal aspect of this decision is balancing risk. In most cases, Forex attracts people willing to focus on already established and easier-to-predict mechanisms. On the other hand, risk-takers can focus their attention on the crypto market.

Some investors are willing to diversify, which may result in capitalizing on unique opportunities. Remember to understand the Forex and crypto market comprehensively if you want to do it.

A reminder: Simple FX platform offers vast amounts of knowledge regarding trading, but more importantly, you have access to over two hundred instruments, including Forex and crypto markets! 

The information provided on this website does not, and is not intended to, constitute investment advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only.

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