The popular MT4/MT5 removal from App Store took place on September 24 (Saturday). You can no longer install them on iPhone. Importantly, Apple made this decision without any prior announcements. The Company provided assurance that users who have already downloaded these popular CFD trading apps, will not be affected. Meta Trader 4 and Meta Trader 5 are still available to download on Google Playstore.

Why Did Apple Remove MT4/MT5 From Its App Store?

The trading world is literally buzzing with reports of MT4 and MT5 removal from App Store. The birds chirp that this is a repercussion with Western sanctions on Russia. Where are the connections? Well, Renat Fatkhullin, CEO of MetaQuotes Group, and his brother Lenar Fatkhullin, director of marketing at MetaQuotes Software Corporation, are Russian.

The trail of economic sanctions against Russia remains in the area of speculation, as neither Apple nor MetaQuotes have issued any statements that could bring us closer to the reasons behind such a sudden and drastic action.

Meta Trader removal from the App Store takes place two weeks after Forbes described the story of a California scum that resulted in the victim, a Meta Trader user, losing over a million dollars by making all of their alleged trades on the MT platform.

MT4/MT5 Removal From App Store. What About Existing Installations?

The representatives of the Cupertino corporation reassure you that MT4/MT5 removal from App Store applies only to new application downloads and will not disturb the operation of platforms already installed on iPhones. These customers can still use the Apps from their devices and will still have access to any in-app purchase products:

“Apple provided assurance that customers who have already downloaded the Apps will not be affected. These customers can still use the Apps from their devices and will still have access to any in-app purchase products,” the representative explained.

MT4 and MT4 are still available on Google Playstore for Android mobile users. The versions of the application for all desktop computers also remain operational.

Existing MetaTrader installations on iOS devices still work, so what is a waste for some, an opportunity for others. Forbes is already reporting spotting users on Twitter offering iPhone sales with the app pre-installed. Price? The American seller offers devices for $ 15,000, another takes off with a “asking price” of GBP 5,000 or $ 10,000.

Trading App For iPhone Users. What Instead Of MetaTrader?

The fact that apps already installed work does not, however, solve the main problem: iPhone Meta Trader users can no longer receive new updates. What now? Meta Trading users with iPhones who feel that Apple has left them in the lurch should immediately shift their cash deposits to another platform. 

At this point, we can highly recommend using our SimpleFX trading app on your iOS device. Signing up to SimpleFX provides toy with a free trading and investing App, where you can trade and stake with no fees and no minimum deposits. The app allows you to trade assets such as currency pairs, commodities, indexes, equities over cryptocurrencies. The app allows you to trade assets such as currency pairs, commodities, indexes, equities over cryptocurrencies.

About Meta Trader

MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 are some of the most popular trading apps in the world and have attracted many forex traders and brokers over the past 17 years. MT4 was launched in 2005, and MT5 soon joined in to handle more trading instruments. All MT4 and MT5 transactions are online. The above-mentioned tools are held by MetaQuotes Software Corp., whose headquarters is located in Limassol, Cyprus, and founded by a Russian, Renat Fatkhullin. 

The App Store is the only legal platform from where iPhones and iPads users can download and install Meta Trader. Now MT4 and MT5 removal from App Store is an opportunity for brokers such as SimpleFX, whose tools work independently of the decisions of the trading app market hegemons.

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