कहीं से भी ट्रेड करें SimpleFX मोबाइल ऐप प्राप्त करें!
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कई आधार मुद्राओं में आसानी से खाता खोलें

खातों के बारे में और अधिक जानें

15 base account currencies

"We are far ahead of the competition. You can open an account in 15 base currencies! You no longer have to convert and waste money on commission, just deposit your account and trade with any offered currency you want."

Multicurrency Accounts

Trade with Bitcoins! Everything you need to do is to spare a minute to create an account and deposit your Bitcoins. Shortly after that, you are free to trade, simple as that!

No minimum deposits

"Are you tired of minimum deposits? You don't want to transfer half of your salary? Good news! We don't have any requirements about how much you want to invest!/ Feel free to deposit how much you want and start trading at Forex/(Financial Markets) right now! Low capital is not a barrier, to trade within our platform, without minimum deposit everyone is able to trade."

सपने देखना बंद करें,
ट्रेडिंग शुरू करें!

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