The 2024 U.S. Presidential Election revolves around major issues such as economic recovery, healthcare, and international relations. As the election approaches, voters need to grasp the electoral system, learn about the political parties, and get to know the candidates.

Presidential election process

Every four years, the U.S. elects a President through a distinctive system called the Electoral College. This system assigns each state a number of electors equal to the sum of its Senators and Representatives in Congress, reflecting its population. Voters in each state cast their votes for electors who pledge to vote for a specific presidential candidate. The candidate who garners at least 270 out of 538 electoral votes wins the presidency. This system emphasizes the importance of winning key battleground states and can result in a president who does not have the majority of the popular vote. 

The election takes place on the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November, with this year’s election scheduled for November 5th. The results are closely watched worldwide as they have significant implications for global markets and international relations.


The Republican Party

The Republican Party upholds principles of conservatism, advocating for limited government, strong national defense, and free-market economics. The party’s platform in 2024 continues to emphasize traditional conservative values, including tax cuts, deregulation, and a strong military presence globally.

Candidate: Donald Trump

Donald Trump, the Republican nominee, has focused his campaign on restoring what he calls the “true American spirit” of enterprise and freedom. His policies include significant tax reductions, stringent border security measures, and a rollback of regulations that, according to him, hinder business growth. Trump’s rhetoric often invokes a sense of nationalism and a return to greater times.

The Democratic Party

The Democratic Party promotes a progressive agenda that includes extensive government intervention in healthcare, education, and welfare to ensure equal opportunities for all Americans. Their 2024 platform centers on combating climate change, enhancing social welfare programs, and improving healthcare accessibility.

Candidate: Joe Biden

As the Democratic nominee, Joe Biden has emphasized unity and resilience in his campaign. His policy priorities include comprehensive healthcare reform to expand access and reduce costs, aggressive measures to tackle climate change, and policies designed to bridge the economic inequality gap. Biden’s strategy emphasizes collaboration and bipartisan cooperation to tackle the most urgent challenges facing the nation.

Recent events and historical context

A notable incident in this election cycle was the attempted assault on former President Donald Trump on July 13, 2024. Such events echo historical precedents where presidential candidates were targeted. An assassin attempted to shoot Theodore Roosevelt in 1912. However, he proceeded to deliver a speech with the bullet still in his chest, which garnered significant public sympathy but ultimately did not secure him a victory. Ronald Reagan was shot in 1981 but quickly recovered and then secured a resounding re-election victory in 1984, demonstrating resilience that further endeared him to the American public.

The effects of such incidents on election outcomes can be unpredictable. A division within the Republican Party at that time could have caused Roosevelt’s failure. Meanwhile, the nation’s economic upturn during Reagan’s first term, along with his resilient response to an assassination attempt, likely contributed to his reelection by demonstrating his leadership qualities and ability to handle crises.

Nasdaq’s after the attempted assault.

After the attack on July 13, the markets are reacting quite calmly. The dollar is slightly weakening and assets valued in it are increasing. Nasdaq by about 0.4%.



The 2024 U.S. Election represents a critical juncture for the nation, offering voters a choice between two fundamentally different visions for America’s future. By understanding the electoral process, the platforms of the parties, and the personal and political histories of the candidates, voters can make informed decisions that will shape the trajectory of the country for years to come. This election is not just a political contest but an opportunity for Americans to reaffirm their values and define their collective future.

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