In our continuous quest to provide innovative investment opportunities, we are thrilled to announce the addition of four new contracts for cryptocurrencies to our offering: AVAX (Avalanche), MATIC (Polygon), FIL (Filecoin), and FET ( You can open position on each coin with effective leverage up to 10x. Each project has distinct features that differentiate them within the rapidly evolving blockchain landscape. They address scalability, decentralization, and automation, making them a valuable addition for savvy investors looking to diversify their crypto portfolio.

AVAX (Avalanche)

Avalanche, developed by Ava Labs, is a high-performance blockchain platform focusing on scalability and low transaction latency. With its innovative consensus protocol and robust architecture, it’s designed to empower developers with tools to create customized blockchain solutions.

AVAX’s Key Features

Avalanche is designed to be an extremely flexible platform, providing users with various tools and features to customize their blockchain experience.

  • Triple-Chain Architecture: Avalanche has three primary blockchains: the X-Chain (asset exchange), the C-Chain (smart contracts), and the P-Chain (network management), enabling a modular and efficient ecosystem.
  • Avalanche Consensus: Its proprietary consensus mechanism delivers fast finality and robust security while maintaining decentralization.
  • Custom Blockchain Creation: Developers can create personalized, interoperable blockchains using Avalanche’s flexible framework.


MATIC (Polygon)

Polygon, previously known as Matic Network, provides Layer 2 scaling solutions for Ethereum. It enables faster and more cost-effective transactions, improving the user experience for decentralized applications (dApps) within the Ethereum ecosystem.

MATIC’s Key Features

When you think about this crypto, think about being crafted to provide a comprehensive suite of scaling solutions for developers and businesses seeking to maximize performance and minimize costs.

  • Ethereum Compatibility: Polygon offers seamless interoperability with Ethereum, allowing developers to leverage both ecosystems’ strengths.
  • Scaling Technologies: With sidechains, Plasma, and other Layer 2 solutions, Polygon provides a versatile set of tools for scaling applications.
  • Interoperability: Polygon’s bridges facilitate connectivity between multiple blockchain networks, ensuring flexibility and utility.


FIL (Filecoin)

Filecoin, a decentralized storage network, revolutionizes storing and accessing data. Utilizing the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), it aims to create a global storage marketplace that is transparent and secure.

FIL’s Key Features

Filecoin is at the forefront of decentralized storage solutions, offering a secure and efficient way to handle data.

  • Decentralized Storage Market: Filecoin establishes a competitive marketplace where users can rent or offer storage, creating a decentralized data economy.
  • Resilient Data Storage: By distributing data across multiple locations, Filecoin ensures security, redundancy, and censorship resistance.
  • IPFS Integration: Filecoin leverages IPFS technology for seamless, decentralized file storage and sharing. When users want to use Filecoin to store their personal data, they select a suitable miner on the storage network and pay it in FIL to host the files.


FET ( combines blockchain technology with artificial intelligence to build a decentralized digital economy driven by autonomous decision-making. Its innovative “autonomous economic agents” (AEA) streamline transactions and optimize operations independently.

FET’s Key Features is designed to merge cutting-edge AI with blockchain technology, creating an autonomously intelligent ecosystem.

  • Artificial Intelligence Integration: harnesses AI to automate transactions and decision-making processes within a decentralized framework.
  • Autonomous Economic Agents: These self-sufficient agents execute tasks and transactions without human intervention, creating a dynamic economic environment.
  • Machine Economy: The platform enables communication and collaboration among intelligent devices, automating the Internet of Things (IoT).



Including AVAX, MATIC, FIL, and FET in our crypto portfolio provides investors diverse opportunities to capitalize on the dynamic world of blockchain. Each project offers distinctive solutions, from addressing scalability to automating transactions. By incorporating these innovative assets into our portfolio, we aim to empower clients to stay ahead of the curve and explore new horizons in crypto investments.

The information provided on this website does not, and is not intended to, constitute investment advice; all information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only.

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