With its rich history and diverse economies, Europe’s financial landscape is a mosaic of various stock indices that serve as critical gauges of economic health. These indices provide insights into the region’s economic dynamics, reflecting the performance of various industries and companies. This guide offers a comprehensive overview of six major European stock indices: the DAX40 [DE40], CAC40 [FR40], EURO STOXX 50 [EU50], IBEX35 [ES35], FTSE100 [UK100], and SMI20 [CH20], each embodying the financial heartbeat of its respective economy, each available for trading on SimpleFX.


The DAX40, formerly DAX30, is a prime stock market index representing 40 of the largest and most liquid German companies traded on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Launched in 1988, is a strong indicator of the health of the German economy, Europe’s largest. It encompasses various sectors, including automotive, pharmaceutical, and technology, offering a comprehensive view of Germany’s corporate landscape. The DAX40 is a performance index that accounts for dividends reinvested, giving a complete picture of shareholder returns.

Trade DE40


The CAC40 is the benchmark French stock market index. Established in 1987, it represents the 40 most significant stocks among Euronext Paris’s 100 highest market caps. The index is a crucial indicator of the French stock market’s performance, reflecting the health of France’s varied sectors, including luxury goods, utilities, and financial services. The CAC40 is a free-float market capitalization-weighted index, ensuring that only the freely available shares are considered in its calculation.

Trade FR40


The EURO STOXX 50, launched in 1998, is a leading blue-chip index for the Eurozone. It comprises 50 major companies across 11 Eurozone countries, making it a significant indicator of economic health. The index covers a variety of sectors, offering a diversified view of the Eurozone’s corporate performance. As a market capitalization-weighted index, the EURO STOXX 50 provides a clear picture of the region’s large-cap market segment.

Trade EU50


Spain’s principal stock market index, the IBEX35, includes the 35 most liquid Spanish stocks traded on the Madrid Stock Exchange. Established in 1992, it is a barometer of Spain’s overall market performance. The IBEX35 is a market capitalization-weighted index that covers a broad spectrum of industries, including banking, telecommunications, and energy, reflecting the diverse nature of Spain’s economy.

Trade ES35


The FTSE100, often called the “Footsie,” is the leading index of the 100 most highly capitalized UK companies listed on the London Stock Exchange. Founded in 1984, it’s an essential indicator of the UK’s financial health, encompassing various pharmaceuticals, oil, and banking sectors. The FTSE100 is a market capitalization-weighted index offering a comprehensive snapshot of the UK’s large-cap market.

Trade UK100


The Swiss Market Index (SMI) is Switzerland’s key equity index, comprising the 20 most significant and most liquid stocks of the Swiss Performance Index (SPI). Introduced in 1988, the SMI20 mirrors Switzerland’s highly developed economy, including sectors like pharmaceuticals, finance, and consumer goods. It’s a free-float, market capitalization-weighted index, representing approximately 85% of the total Swiss equity market capitalization.

Trade CH20


European stock indices – DAX40, CAC40, EURO STOXX 50, IBEX35, FTSE100, and SMI20 – collectively offer a multifaceted view of Europe’s economic strength and diversity. They are vital tools for understanding the complexities and dynamics of the European markets, providing invaluable insights for investors and policymakers alike.

The information provided on this website does not, and is not intended to, constitute investment advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only.

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