Want to establish your credibility as a trader and attract potential clients? Sharing your profitable trades on social media can help. Now you can Share Profitable Trades with just one click. We’d like to introduce you to the new SimpleFX functionality on WebTrader!
“Share” Button – A New SimpleFX Functionality For Good Players!
Have you made some profitable trades and want to impress your friends? Or prove to your partner that you can handle your financial cushion. Or maybe you want to build authority among people interested in investing in cryptocurrencies, shares, or Forex? Now you can share your profitable trade with one click! SimpleFX WebTrader now has new functionality.
- After a profitable trade, you will see the “Share” button.
- When you click it, you will see a ready-to-use banner.
- You can share it on social media or save it to your device for later use (“Download” button).

Share Profitable Trades & Reap Of The Benefits
Why should you use the “share” button as often as possible? By sharing your profitable trades on SimpleFX, you build your reputation on social media. Your friends and followers will start to see you as a “head on the neck” regarding financial matters. And they will have tangible evidence of this in the form of banners generated by WebTrader SimpleFX.
In addition, such action can ensure you will reach a wider audience. This group may include your potential customers or partners. Share catchy traditions as often and as widely as possible. Post our banners on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Reddit. Don’t forget to add relevant hashtags and tags to help your posts have a better reach and reach your audience looking for information about trading.
Benefits of sharing profitable trades on social media:
- You get increased exposure and the potential for more profits
- You get access to a larger trading community
- You can learn from other’s experiences, and another trader can learn from you.
- It’s one of the best ways to build your brand and reputation.
- You establish credibility and expertise.
- You can attract potential clients or partners.
So don’t wait any longer and impress your followers by trading with SimpleFX!