Did you know that you can request new features and listings by posting on the SimpleFX Community Forum? Our app designers, developers, and asset managers are waiting for your feedback. 

If you have any suggestions regarding our platform, go to community.simplefx.com and post your thoughts. This is a forum for SimpleFX users, so everyone with a free account can make a contribution.

We have already introduced many ideas recommended by our users:

  • The ETH Stake & Trade accounts, where you can earn 8.55% APR and (!) actively invest your frozen tokens.
  • Binance Smart Chain payments for BTC, ETH, BNB, and more, where you can transfer your coins for just a fraction of the cost on the bitcoin or ethereum blockchains
  • Introduced new stocks, for example, MicroStrategy – a New York business intelligence company promoting cryptocurrencies and investing in Bitcoin.

We have also an open topic on ETH Stake & Trade service, where you can ask our team questions about the program.

To start the conversation, log into SimpleFX, hit the “New Topic” button (1), enter the title (2), choose the category (3), write your post (4), and hit the “Create topic” (5) button.

We can’t wait for your suggestions. Tell us what you like about SFX, what you’d like to change, and what features and assets you’d like us to introduce.

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