This year, May 22 marks the 10th anniversary of Bitcoin Pizza Day! It celebrates the moment when a man from Florida paid 10,000 Bitcoins in exchange for two large Papa John’s pizzas­­–the first recorded real-world transaction using BTC. Today, these “Bitcoin Pizzas” are priced at around $76 million!

SimpleFX joins the Bitcoin Pizza Day craze by giving generous 50% spread cashback for traders. Trade with us on May 22 and enjoy 50% lower spreads! Cashbacks will be credited directly to your account. Tell your friends and followers. The more you invite and trade, the more rewards you reap. Terms and conditions apply.

To help jumpstart your earnings, we prepared a fresh set of attractive Bitcoin Pizza Day banners that you can use. Every successful referral using these banners will also reward you with up to 25% lifetime revenue share!

How to Use the Bitcoin Day Pizza Banners

Go to SimpleFX WebTrader and click on the main menu (☰).

Click “Refer friends.”

To access the Unilink dashboard, click on the “Check our Pro affiliate panel” button.

Start a new marketing campaign by clicking “New Campaign.”

Create a name for your campaign. Then, click on “Create Campaign.”

Click on “Share campaign +.”

You can see several marketing tools that you can freely use. In this case, we want to use the Bitcoin Pizza Day banner, so proceed to “+ Add Banner.”

The banners for different promotions are presented. Hover beside “Name” and click on the filter icon to open the search tab. Then, search for the promo name by entering “Bitcoin Pizza Promo 2020.”

Set the banner properties according to your liking. Then, click on “copy” to copy the HTML code, and finally, click “Done.”

And you’re done! You can now use the unique HTML code to incorporate it into your blog or website. Remember than your SimpleFX banner can earn you rewards with every invite.

Realize more profit by trading more with 50% spreads cashbacks on Bitcoin Pizza Day!

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